The people who are right for engaging with the Game Generation Method include professional selling agents, coaches, advisors, managers, and executives at all levels.
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Selling Agents
The Game Generation Method moves you from where you are to where you want to be.
This program is right for you if:
You are just launching your career and want to get established as a top producer quicker than others.
You are an established producer but want to move to a much higher level in your career.
You are a top producer wanting to build your team and free yourself up to have a good life.
Professional Coaches
The Game Generation Method brings out your inner brilliance so you put it to work.
This program is right for you if:
You are just beginning as a coach and want to attract your first group of clients excited to work with you.
You are an established coach and want to grow your business and expand what you are offering to clients.
You are a known coach who wants to leverage your brand and offer an array of publications, programs, and products.

Professional Advisors
With the Game Generation Method you become true to yourself and to clients.
This program is right for you if:
You are just apprenticing with an established advisor and working with an established firm to launch your career.
You are an high valued advisor but want to move to a more senior level within your firm.
You are a recognized trusted advisor wanting to establish your own firm and step into a larger public arena.
Company Managers
The Game Generation Method brings out your ability to attract and develop a team.
This program is right for you if:
You are just promoted to manager and want to establish your credibility rapidly so a negative brand never develops.
You are a local manager who wants to be recognized by your firm and get promoted to higher levels in the firm.
You are a division manager who is looking to be considered for an executive position with major responsibilities.

Senior Executives
The Game Generation Method moves you into a powerful mode of leadership of others.
This program is right for you if:
You are just promoted to executive and you want to get your bearings so your value is easily recognized.
You are a senior executive who wants to make a significant impact of the viability of the company.
You are a top executive wanting to develop a better brand across an industry and recognized in the public arena.